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Meditate Daily Time - The Biggest Obstacles To Meditation

Meditate Daily Time - The Biggest Obstacles To Meditation

I have struggled with meditation most of my life. For 15 years, I have purchased meditation CDs, attended meditation lessons, and read books on meditation, yet I have not been able to incorporate them into my daily life. Meditation CDs usually make me sleep, classes and books have made me feel like a failure! In fact, my first meditation was very painful and I always felt too busy to meditate!

Meditate Daily Time - The Biggest Obstacles To Meditation

The sad truth is that while most of us are aware of the benefits of meditation, very few of us have a regular meditation practice. There are many hurdles to overcome in order to integrate meditation into our daily life. I overcame those hurdles and been meditating daily for two years and also meditating periodically throughout the day! Through meditation, I have experienced more peace and joy in my life, I have become less reactive, less stressed, and have more energy and creativity! And I know you can try these benefits too!

But first, I think it's important to define what is meditation? Many of us have misconceptions about meditation. The most common misconception is that meditation is the disposal of thought! This would set anyone to fail! Rather, meditation is about becoming a thought observer rather than a thought reactor.

Meditation, pure and simple, is fully present in the moment! In this contemplative state, you are aware of who you are outside of your body and mind.

Have you ever felt awe at a beautiful sunset? So much so that you forgot what happened 5 minutes ago, and we're not thinking about the future? Were you exactly at that moment and had that feeling of liveliness inside? Well, that's meditation!

Now that we know what meditation is, how do we incorporate it into our daily life? I knew the causes of my suffering for years before I developed a regular meditation practice, but I was curious to see if others had the same causes, so I did an international survey on the biggest hurdles to meditation and received over 400 responses from people in 46 different countries. Here are the top six barriers to meditation, and how you can overcome them!

Obstacle # 1: Not having enough time

The biggest hurdle people face in developing a regular meditation practice is time. We don't have time to meditate! (Interestingly, this wasn't just an "American" phenomenon. People from all over the world reported that they didn't have time to meditate.)

However, there are 4 simple ways to incorporate meditation into your life without spending any time outside of your current schedule!

First, I invite you to turn waiting time into time for meditation.

The average person waits 45-60 minutes a day. We wait for appointments, we wait in traffic, we wait in line at the grocery store, we wait for the phone. However, these precious "wait times" can be converted into reflective times.

So the next time you wait for a date, take a minute to notice your breath. Or, the next time you wait for a line at the grocery store, take a moment to smile inside.

Second, do a daily activity to be your meditation. You can incorporate meditation into any of these daily activities:

Brushing your teeth

* Empty the dishwasher

* Bathing

*Eating food

* Walking

* Folding washing and ironing

As you brush your teeth, notice your breath. Or notice the vitality in your hands and mouth. When you empty the dishwasher, feel the liveliness in your hand as you put each plate away.

Third, make your dog or cat the meditation! Have you ever noticed while walking your dog how your dog is living in the moment perfectly, taking in his surroundings? Well, you can join your dog in this happy state. When walking with your dog, notice the vitality in your feet with each step. Notice the liveliness of trees, birds, and your surroundings. While petting the cat, notice the softness of the fur. Be completely present with your dog or cat!

Fourth, meditate while you drive! Now, of course, don't close your eyes and ponder while you're driving. But you can be completely present while driving with your eyes open. While driving, notice the lively feeling in your hands as you touch the steering wheel. Or at a stop sign or in traffic, notice your breath.

These are simple ways you can incorporate meditation into your daily life without spending any time outside of your current schedule. If we all did these simple things, we'd get a daily meditation workout!

Obstacle # 2: Lack of self-discipline

The second biggest obstacle people face in incorporating meditation into their daily life is lack of self-discipline! Meditation requires discipline. I know many of us to start out with great intentions to meditate daily or exercise daily and we may do this for a few weeks, but then we lack the discipline needed to keep going.

That's why life coaches, personal trainers, and other professions have been created! To hold us accountable and keep us focused!

So if you lack self-discipline, find a meditation partner! Ask your spouse, partner, friend, or co-worker to join you in incorporating meditation into your daily life. Hold each other accountable.

Or even if you can't find someone who wants to meditate with you, tell your wife/friend/partner/co-worker that you intend to meditate daily and ask him/her to check with you and ask about your condition.

Just as a workout partner is useful and productive, so can a meditation partner be too!

Obstacle # 3: Not having a suitable place or space for meditation

The third biggest hurdle people mentioned is not having the right place or space to meditate! This is a "perceived obstacle." You can meditate literally anywhere; While driving a car or walking in a crowded mall.

Often people use the lack of a private place or a certain area as an excuse not to meditate. If we constantly wait for the conditions for meditation, we will never meditate.

Give people a meditation task: meditate in a public place! They can walk across the wall and notice people and places while noticing their breath or noticing the vitality in their feet.

Obstacle # 4: Sleep

The fourth most common obstacle to meditation is sleep. However, many meditation CDs say it's okay if you fall asleep because you are still receiving the benefits of meditation ... the only benefit you get is quiet sleep! However, that's a benefit too! Meditation is awareness. He is completely present at the moment. When you are asleep, you are sleeping, not meditating.

Here are some tips if you fall asleep while meditating:

* Do not meditate at night before bed. Many of us often want to meditate daily but don't even think about it until we go to bed or get ready for bed and then try to meditate. Of course, we will fall asleep.

* Try meditation in the morning or midday when you are alert.

Meditate in small increments throughout the day. Again, observe your breath for a few minutes while you brush your teeth or shower.

Obstacle # 5: Too many distractions

The fifth most common complaint from people is that there are too many distractions to meditate. However, dispersants do not have to be distractions.

For example, during one of my meditations, my cat approached me and began to meow. It won't stop either. Wanted my attention. For most people, this will be a distraction and a reason to stop meditating. Instead, I opened my eyes and sat with him on the floor and caressed him while observing my breath. I have included my cat in my meditation. Instead of letting him become a distraction, he becomes contemplative!

If you are meditating, a distraction occurs. Just notice that. Let it be. If something needs your attention, be sure to do whatever it takes, while still watching your breath!

Obstacle # 6: Not knowing how to meditate

Many people feel that they do not know how to meditate. We make meditation more complicated than it really is! Once again, meditation is about being in the moment. It's really about finding what works for you!

Again, you can incorporate meditation into your life without spending time on your schedule. Your life can become a meditation. It's those moments throughout the day when we're fully present in the moment that matters. And through meditation, we discover the bliss of our universe!

Lisa Hebner is an author, speaker, and meditation facilitator. She is the creator of the international "Don't Wait - Meditate" campaign that prompts people to pledge to turn their waiting time into time for reflection. She created the Project Meditate project that aims to help people develop a daily habit of meditation.

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